CSS3 Tooltips For WordPress

10 Tooltips Positions

Nulla [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]commodo[/css3_tooltip] suscipit mauris nontempor. In [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]volutpat[/css3_tooltip] nisl eget nibh Etos sociis pellentesque rhoncuEtos sociisatoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallisegestas. Curabitur at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the bottom left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]habitasse[/css3_tooltip] platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the bottom right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]placerat[/css3_tooltip] mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.

Aenean [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]venenatis[/css3_tooltip] justo quis mauris tincidunt [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’right’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]tristique[/css3_tooltip] eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the top right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]ultricies[/css3_tooltip] odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the top left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]condimentum[/css3_tooltip] ac ipsum. Duis rhoncus elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut augue ligula, at congue nibh. Duis [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the top center side of a hovered item.’ position=’top_center’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]consequat[/css3_tooltip] elementum ante, at blandit neque vestibulum et. Suspendisse in sem ipsum. Nullam ultricies ultricies urna, congue sodales arcu aliquet ut. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the bottom center side of a hovered item.’ position=’bottom_center’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]Aliquam[/css3_tooltip] in quam in nibh pharetra mattis non quis odio. Fusce at nisl est, ac posuere turpis. Donec tellus magna, posuere vitae euismod at, consectetur ac arcu.

Support For Images

Nulla commodo suscipit mauris non tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ style=’style_30′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Etos sociis[/css3_tooltip] natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallis egestas. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ style=’style_31′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Curabitur[/css3_tooltip] at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.

[css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_32′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Aenean venenatis[/css3_tooltip] justo quis mauris tincidunt tristique eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac ultricies odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, condimentum ac ipsum. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_33′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Duis rhoncus[/css3_tooltip] elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut augue ligula, at congue nibh. Duis consequat [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_34′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]elementum ante[/css3_tooltip], at blandit neque vestibulum et. Suspendisse in sem ipsum. Nullam ultricies ultricies urna, congue sodales arcu aliquet ut. Aliquam in quam in nibh pharetra mattis non quis odio. Fusce at nisl est, ac posuere turpis. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’right’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_35′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Donec[/css3_tooltip] tellus magna, posuere vitae euismod at, consectetur ac arcu.

Support For Movies

Nulla commodo suscipit mauris non tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. [css3_tooltip content=’ This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Etos sociis[/css3_tooltip] natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallis egestas. [css3_tooltip content=’ This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_2′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Curabitur[/css3_tooltip] at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.

[css3_tooltip content=’ This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_3′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Aenean venenatis[/css3_tooltip] justo quis mauris tincidunt tristique eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac ultricies odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, condimentum ac ipsum. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_4′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Duis rhoncus[/css3_tooltip] elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut augue ligula, at congue nibh. Duis consequat [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_5′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]elementum ante[/css3_tooltip], at blandit neque vestibulum et. Suspendisse in sem ipsum. Nullam ultricies ultricies urna, congue sodales arcu aliquet ut. Aliquam in quam in nibh pharetra mattis non quis odio. Fusce at nisl est, ac posuere turpis. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’right’ tag=’a’ width=’auto’ style=’style_7′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Donec[/css3_tooltip] tellus magna, posuere vitae euismod at, consectetur ac arcu.

Support For HTML tags

Lorem [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content wrapped with <em> HTML tag ‘ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ] ipsum [/css3_tooltip] dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content wrapped with <b> HTML tag‘ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]ante[/css3_tooltip] odio. Sed vel dignissim lorem, sodales tempus metus. Nam nec mauris eu tellus sagittis viverra. Pellentesque ac varius augue, eu viverra sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. In [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content wrapped with <i> HTML tag‘ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]ornare[/css3_tooltip] libero eget blandit tincidunt. Nullam pulvinar porttitor egestas. Vivamus sed odio volutpat odio molestie rhoncus ut eu odio. Etiam sollicitudin viverra velit vitae sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Donec eu dignissim dolor. [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content wrapped with <span> HTML tag‘ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]Morbi[/css3_tooltip] semper consectetur dui, sit amet [css3_tooltip content=’Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tortor odio, quis rutrum tellus fringilla nec. In purus nisi, imperdiet sed mattis eget, ullamcorper id risus. Aenean ornare nibh et metus pharetra, in luctus ante commodo. Duis ullamcorper faucibus pretium.Nunc sit amet nunc congue, faucibus magna eu, iaculis quam. Nulla vitae lacus sapien. Nam adipiscing pharetra ipsum molestie malesuada. Morbi egestas pharetra posuere. Donec dapibus nunc vitae magna congue, accumsan ullamcorper mi accumsan. Suspendisse varius aliquam quam at sollicitudin.Aenean ornare nibh et metus pharetra, in luctus ante commodo. Duis ullamcorper faucibus pretium. Nunc sit amet nunc congue, faucibus magna eu, iaculis quam.‘ position=’top’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css_class=’qlabs_tooltip_notooltipborder’ style=’style_20′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]pulvinar[/css3_tooltip] elit. Nam vel mauris in risus laoreet euismod et quis urna. [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content using <iframe> HTML tag ‘ position=’left’ tag=’a’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]Maecenas[/css3_tooltip] consectetur hendrerit dui, eu vehicula purus. Praesent auctor eleifend leo et molestie. Quisque scelerisque augue eros. Donec non nibh sed tortor viverra scelerisque. [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content using <img> HTML tag ‘ position=’top’ tag=’a’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]Fusce[/css3_tooltip] eget malesuada velit. Pellentesque magna nisi, elementum vel augue sed, gravida cursus orci. Cras porttitor gravida arcu vitae [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip content wrapped with <a> HTML tag‘ position=’top’ tag=’b’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]sodales[/css3_tooltip].

Tooltips With Headers

Nulla commodo suscipit [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with header’ content=’This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]maurisnon  [/css3_tooltip]tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. Etos sociis [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with header’ content=’This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom_center’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_2′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]natoquepenatibus [/css3_tooltip] et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with header’ content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_3′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]ridiculusmus [/css3_tooltip]. Sed ac elit in metus convallis egestas. [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with header’ content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_4′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Curabiturat [/css3_tooltip] risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with even longer header text’ content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_5′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Praesentdictum [/css3_tooltip] dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip with multiple lines of header text, tooltip with multiple lines of header text.’ content=’This tooltip is positioned on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’right’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_6′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]pharetra[/css3_tooltip].

Paragraph Tooltip

[css3_tooltip header=’John Doe Poem’ content=’This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’p’ width=’180px’ style=’style_33′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Nulla commodo suscipit mauris non tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. Etos sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallis egestas. Curabitur at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.[/css3_tooltip]

[css3_tooltip header=’John Doe Poem’ content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’p’ width=’180px’ style=’style_33′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Aenean venenatis justo quis mauris tincidunt tristique eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac ultricies odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, condimentum ac ipsum. Duis rhoncus elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.[/css3_tooltip]

[css3_tooltip header=’John Doe Poem’ content=’This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom_center’ tag=’p’ width=’180px’ style=’style_33′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut augue ligula, at congue nibh. Duis consequat elementum ante, at blandit neque vestibulum et. Suspendisse in sem ipsum. Nullam ultricies ultricies urna, congue sodales arcu aliquet ut. Aliquam in quam in nibh pharetra mattis non quis odio. Fusce at nisl est, ac posuere turpis. Donec tellus magna, posuere vitae euismod at, consectetur ac arcu.[/css3_tooltip]

Support for Custom CSS code

Nulla commodo suscipit mauris non tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. Etos sociis natoque [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with custom CSS code.’ position=’top’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css=’cursor: help; color: #00F; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]penatibus [/css3_tooltip] et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallisegestas. Curabitur at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with custom CSS code’ position=’diagonal_right_top’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css=’font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’hover’ ]habitasse[/css3_tooltip] platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with custom CSS code’ position=’right’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css=’color: red; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’event_hover’ ]pharetra[/css3_tooltip].

Aenean venenatis justo quis mauris tincidunt tristique eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with custom CSS code.’ position=’bottom_center’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css=’font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;”, Courier;’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’event_hover’ ]ultricies[/css3_tooltip] odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, condimentum ac ipsum. Duis [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with custom CSS code.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’span’ width=’180px’ custom_css=’text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’event_hover’ ]rhoncus[/css3_tooltip] elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.

Support For Click Event

Nulla [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned above a hovered item.’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]commodo[/css3_tooltip] suscipit mauris nontempor. In [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned below a hovered item.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]volutpat[/css3_tooltip] nisl eget nibh Etos sociis pellentesque rhoncuEtos sociisatoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallisegestas. Curabitur at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the bottom left side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_left_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]habitasse[/css3_tooltip] platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the bottom right side of a hovered item.’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]placerat[/css3_tooltip] mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.

Aenean [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the left side of a hovered item.’ position=’left’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]venenatis[/css3_tooltip] justo quis mauris tincidunt [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the right side of a hovered item.’ position=’right’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]tristique[/css3_tooltip] eget vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec congue ligula sit amet neque luctus suscipit. Ut consequat bibendum libero ac auctor. Sed quis metus est, ac [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the top right side of a hovered item.”‘ position=’diagonal_right_top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]ultricies[/css3_tooltip] odio. Nulla at felis vitae erat consectetur varius non ut nisl. Ut nisl turpis, consectetur quis suscipit eget, [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned diagonally on the top left side of a hovered item.”‘ position=’diagonal_left_top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]condimentum[/css3_tooltip] ac ipsum. Duis rhoncus elit nec nisl eleifend id volutpat nulla hendrerit. Mauris semper consequat dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut augue ligula, at congue nibh. Duis [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the top center side of a hovered item.’ position=’top_center’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]consequat[/css3_tooltip] elementum ante, at blandit neque vestibulum et. Suspendisse in sem ipsum. Nullam ultricies ultricies urna, congue sodales arcu aliquet ut. [css3_tooltip content=’This tooltip is positioned on the bottom center side of a hovered item.’ position=’bottom_center’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ event=’click’ ]Aliquam[/css3_tooltip] in quam in nibh pharetra mattis non quis odio. Fusce at nisl est, ac posuere turpis. Donec tellus magna, posuere vitae euismod at, consectetur ac arcu.

Wrapping Tooltips with HTML tags

Lorem [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with default <a> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]ipsum[/css3_tooltip] dolor sit amet, [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <b> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’b’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]consectetur[/css3_tooltip] adipiscing[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <em> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’em’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]elit[/css3_tooltip]. Sed [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <i> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’i’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]suscipit[/css3_tooltip] tincidunt purus eget lobortis. Donec [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <p> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’p’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]feugiat[/css3_tooltip] auctor turpis, ac aliquet justo luctus et. Morbi et [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h1> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h1′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]fringilla[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h2> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h2′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]sapien, ut[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h3> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h3′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]sagittis[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h4> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h4′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]nulla.[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h5> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h5′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]Morbi[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <h6> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’h6′ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]tristique[/css3_tooltip] volutpat purus, at viverra eros porttitor at. Duis pellentesque [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with <blockquote> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’blockquote’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]fringilla[/css3_tooltip] iaculis. Etiam nec eleifend metus, a porta lacus. Sed rhoncus metus sagittis blandit. Nulla lacus augue, dapibus quis [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip wrapped with custom defined <abbr> tag’ position=’top’ tag=’abbr’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’default’ event=’hover’ ]vehicula[/css3_tooltip] non, porta non ipsum.

Links to Tooltips conversion (Global Setting)

Nulla commodo suscipit mauris non tempor. In volutpat nisl eget nibh pellentesque rhoncus. Etos sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ac elit in metus convallis egestas. Curabitur at risus ac dui volutpat cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent dictum dui et ligula iaculis auctor. Mauris placerat mauris sed libero porta ac varius ipsum pharetra.

Adjustable Tooltip Delay

[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 0ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]0ms.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 100ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’100′ cursor=’pointer’ ]100ms.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 200ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’200′ cursor=’pointer’ ]200ms.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 300ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’300′ cursor=’pointer’ ]300ms.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 500ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’500′ cursor=’pointer’ ]500ms.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip with default 700ms delay.’ position=’bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_19′ delay=’700′ cursor=’pointer’ ]700ms.png[/css3_tooltip]

Tooltip maintain a constant position and distance from any element

[css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 128x128px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_7′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 64x64px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_8′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_64.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 48x48px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_9′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_48.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 32x32px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_10′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_32.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 22x22px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_11′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_22.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 16x16px’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_12′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_16.png[/css3_tooltip]
[css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 128x128px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_13′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 64x64px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_14′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 48x48px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_15′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 32x32px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_16′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 22x22px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_17′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip] [css3_tooltip content=’Icon size 16x16px’ position=’diagonal_right_bottom’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_18′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]home_128.png[/css3_tooltip]

50 Styles

Image Style Preview

Style 01
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_1′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 02
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Style 03
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Style 04
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Style 05
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_5′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_5′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 06
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Style 07
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_7′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_7′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 08
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_8′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_8′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 09
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Style 10
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Style 11
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_11′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_11′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 12
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_12′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_12′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 13
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_13′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_13′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 14
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_14′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_14′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 15
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_15′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_15′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 16
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Style 17
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Style 18
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Style 19
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Style 20
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Style 21
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Style 22
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Style 23
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_23′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_23′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 24
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Style 25
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_25′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_25′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 26
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Style 27
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Style 28
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Style 29
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Style 30
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Style 31
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Style 32
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Style 33
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Style 34
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Style 35
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Style 36
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Style 37
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Style 38
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Style 39
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Style 40
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Style 41
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Style 42
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_42′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_42′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 43
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_43′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_43′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 44
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Style 45
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Style 46
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_46′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_46′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 47
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_47′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_47′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 48
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_48′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_48′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 49
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_49′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_49′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
Style 50
[css3_tooltip content=’Tooltip without header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_50′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip without header[/css3_tooltip], [css3_tooltip header=’Tooltip header’ content=’Tooltip with header’ position=’top’ tag=’a’ width=’180px’ style=’style_50′ delay=’0′ cursor=’pointer’ ]Tooltip with header[/css3_tooltip]
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